László Vajta graduated as electrical engineer at MSc level in 1975 at the BME Faculty of Electrical Engineering. The following graduations were in research and development as expert engineer in 1980 and in MBA in 2000. He became a university doctor in 1981 and finally a PhD degree holder in 2005.
His special fields are: control engineering, computerized image processing, robotics, industrial and energy informatics.
Since 1975 he is a staff member of the Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology, presently as associate professor. He was the Deputy Dean for Economic Affaires (2005-2008) and he has been since 2008 the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. He is also responsible for innovation and company relations of the BME as a Vice-Rector.
He worked at many companies in frame of co-operation participating in numerous industrial projects. In the last few years:
2002 – 2008: Creating an expert system on a database of consumers (ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ)
2006 – 2008: Energy monitoring intelligent smart grids (E-ON)
2007 – 2008: Remote operation control of the Hungarian gas engine network (MAVIR)
He was rewarded with distinctions and awards many times:
Humboldt scholarship (1982),
Loefler scholarship (1990),
Outstanding Inventor (1991),
Siemens scholarship (2004).