György Velkey is a medical doctor, paediatric anaesthesiologist and intensivist and health care manager. Since 2003 he is a General Director of the Bethesda Children’s Hospital of the Hungarian Reformed Church.
Professional and health care political activities:
General Secretary of the Hungarian Paediatric Society, 2007-2011
President of the Hungarian Paediatric Society, 2016-
President of the of the Hungarian Hospital Society, 2013-
President of the Hungarian Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Society, 2004-2007
Hungarian Representative of the FEAPA (Federation of European Associations of Paediatric Anaesthesia), 1999-2006
Advisor of the general director of National Institute for Quality- and Organizational Development in Healthcare and Medicines (2012-14.)
Delegate in Municipal Parliament of Budapest, Head of the Health Care Committee, (2011-2014.)
26 publications in Hungarian medical papers
Topics: paediatric nutrition, paediatric anaesthesia, paediatric intensive care,
healthcare management
28 publications as parts of Hungarian medical books
Topics: paediatric anaesthesiology, paediatric critical care, paediatric toxicology,
paediatric pharmacology, vaccination, paediatric nutrition, hospital organization
1968-1980: Elementary and secondary schools, Miskolc, Hungary
1980-1986: Medical University School, Debrecen, Hungary – medical doctor, 1986
1986-1994: Medical University School, Debrecen, Hungary – paediatrics, 1990, anaesthesiology and intensive care, 1994
2004-2007: Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary – health care manager, 2004, paediatric intensivist 2008.