György Velkey

General Director of the Bethesda Children’s Hospital of the Hungarian Reformed Church

György Velkey

General Director of the Bethesda Children’s Hospital of the Hungarian Reformed Church


György Velkey is a medical doctor, paediatric anaesthesiologist and intensivist and health care manager. Since 2003 he is a General Director of the Bethesda Children’s Hospital of the Hungarian Reformed Church.


Professional and health care political activities:

General Secretary of the Hungarian Paediatric Society, 2007-2011

President of the Hungarian Paediatric Society, 2016-

President of the of the Hungarian Hospital Society, 2013-

President of the Hungarian Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Society, 2004-2007

Hungarian Representative of the FEAPA  (Federation of European Associations of Paediatric Anaesthesia), 1999-2006

Advisor of the general director of National Institute for Quality- and Organizational Development in Healthcare and Medicines (2012-14.)

Delegate in Municipal Parliament of Budapest, Head of the Health Care Committee, (2011-2014.)



26 publications in Hungarian medical papers

Topics: paediatric nutrition, paediatric anaesthesia, paediatric intensive care,

healthcare management

28 publications as parts of Hungarian medical books

Topics: paediatric anaesthesiology, paediatric critical care, paediatric toxicology,

paediatric pharmacology, vaccination, paediatric nutrition, hospital organization



1968-1980: Elementary and secondary schools, Miskolc, Hungary

1980-1986: Medical University School, Debrecen, Hungary – medical doctor, 1986

1986-1994: Medical University School, Debrecen, Hungary – paediatrics, 1990, anaesthesiology and intensive care, 1994

2004-2007: Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary – health care manager, 2004, paediatric intensivist 2008.


All session by György Velkey

Keynote speakers
