David Somekh

European Health Futures Forum, UK

David Somekh

European Health Futures Forum, UK


Dr David Somekh. M.A., M.B., B.Ch.,PhD, FRCPsych. is a forensic psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and experienced clinician in management who retired from the UK NHS fourteen years ago. He has been involved in healthcare quality since 1988. He served as an NGO representative on the Advisory Committee of ISQuA (International Society for Quality Assurance) from 1995-1997, and on the Advisory Committee of the UK NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) from 1999-2004. He was a member of the Executive of the European Society for Quality in Healthcare since it was founded in 1998, was President 2005-7 and Vice-President 2007-9. He is a member of the EC expert group on Patient Safety and Health Quality. In 2009 he began a new career as a futurist, attending Said School of Business in Oxford to learn scenario planning. David and three colleagues set up EHFF, the European Health Futures Forum, as a not-for–profit network organisation in 2013 and he is currently Network Director. EHFF has served on the steering groups of both the EMPATHiE and PISCE tenders on patient empowerment and is now commencing, in partnership with EPF a further two year tender for DGSANTE on self-management in long term conditions, PROSTEP. EHFF has been active in the integrated care area (B3) of the EIP on AHA, the ChrodisJA joint action and leads a WP in a H2020 consortium on ICT enabled empowerment (PCP), EMPATICCS. Recently EHFF, with funding from the Bosch Foundation held a two day seminar in Berlin with 30 stakeholder representatives on issues related to early stage end-user involvement in eHealth product design.


All session by David Somekh