Birds of Feather (round table discussions)
András Alföldy Boruss is the founder of NGStress. He graduated as a HR manager in 2013, there he met his lecturer phd. László Pitlik (co-founder), and they started to work in NGStress project. Now he works for Magyar Telekom as a senior reporting analyst. As an analyst with HR manager graduate his personal goal is to research and solve how to prevent people from work related stress. He has 10 years of experience in working and leading habits in multinational companies and he researched alternative solution to prevent from distress (main problem is to recognise the stressed-states at the time). He found a correlation between device using habits and stress. He is responsible for analysing any of data what have collected from any human-controlled electronic (e.g. smart devices, vehicle, computer), and for to build the basics for a situation based, stress prevention algorithm.
László Bokor graduated in 2004 with M.Sc. degree in computer engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) at the Department of Telecommunicatons. In 2006 he got an M.Sc.+ degree in bank informatics from the same university’s Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. He received his Ph.D. degree from the BME Doctoral School of Informatics. Currently he is with the Department of Networked Systems and Services as assistant professor, member of the IEEE and HTE, member of Multimedia Networks and Services Laboratory (MEDIANETS) and Mobile Innovation Centre Hungary (MIK) where he participates in researches of wireless protocols and works on projects related to advanced mobile communication technologies. His research interests include IPv6 mobility, SDN/NFV-based mobile networks, mobile broadband architectures, network performance analyzing, network simulation, heterogeneous future mobile networks, mobile healthcare infrastructures and mobile communication in cooperative intelligent transportation systems. He is an author of several referred papers in international scientific journals and conferences.
Kostas Giokas, Esq has been an IT consultant since 1994, working in multiple firms and projects in London UK. He received his BSc in Information Systems from the University of Westminster and his MBA from the UK Open University in 2002. He joined the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens as a Systems’ Architect while consulting on National and European deployment projects. He has since become a Senior Research Scientist leading more than 50 proposals, while leading EU funded research projects. His research interests include most fields in the Health ICT domain. Since 2014 he is the Applied Informatics in mHealth (AiM) research team leader. He has published 50 papers and 15 chapters and has been invited as a speaker in major conferences and Healthcare Technology events
Read our interview with Kostas Giokas
Frank Hopfgartner is Lecturer in Information Studies at University of Glasgow. Prior to moving to Scotland, he has held various roles in Berlin, Dublin, Berkeley, and London, respectively. He holds a PhD in Computing Science from University of Glasgow, and has published over 100 papers in the fields of user modeling, information retrieval, and the analysis of heterogeneous sensor data. Frank has organised various panels, tutorials and workshops on Quantified Self and related fields at renowned conferences such as UMAP, UbiComp, SIGIR, ICME, Hypertext, BIBM, ECIR, JCDL, and Pervasive Health. He is co-organiser of NTCIR Lifelog, a shared evaluation task of lifelogging and quantified self-techniques, and General Chair of HealthWear’16.